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Apache Spark on Kubernetes - Anirudh Ramanathan & Tim Chen
Apache Spark on Kubernetes Clusters (Anirudh Ramanathan & Sean Schter)
Deploying Apache Spark Jobs on Kubernetes with Helm and Spark Operator
Apache Spark on Kubernetes—Lessons Learned from Launching Millions of Spark Executors
Apache Spark on Kubernetes: A Technical Deep Dive - Yinan Li, Google
Intelligent Applications with Apache Spark and Kubernetes from Prototype to Production
Apache Spark on K8S Best Practice and Performance in the CloudJunjie Chen Tencent,Junping Du Tencent
Big Data w/Python on Kubernetes (PySpark on K8s) by Holden Karau
Apache Spark on Kubernetes demo
Running Apache Spark on Kubernetes: Best Practices and Pitfalls
Spark on Kubernetes
Getting Started with Apache Spark on Kubernetes